2012 saw the installation of a 48 turbine windfarm on the moors of Roxburghe Estates
The 48 turbine 144 Mw windfarm situated in a remote site in the Lammermuir Hills is one of the most efficient windfarms in the UK. Operated by EDF Energy Renewables, electricity feeds into the National Grid through an existing 400 kV power line which crosses the site.
Output from the windfarm is sufficient to power 80,000 homes and achieves an estimated carbon saving of 159,000 tonnes per annum.
Roxburghe Estates and EDF Renewables jointly contribute £240k per annum to the Fallago Environment Fund to support a variety of projects throughout the Scottish Borders and parts of East Lothian. This innovative scheme is managed independently by Tweed Forum and since its inception in 2014, over £1.5 million has been invested in some 125 projects.
Independent review has shown that the Fallago Environment Fund often acts as a co-funder with other funders (for example the Heritage Lottery Fund) and that for every £1 of funding proved by the Fallago Environment Fund more than £10 is attracted from other sources.
To find out more about the Fallago Environment Fund and what projects are eligible for funding, please go to the Tweed Forum Website using the link button below.

Sharing the benefits of the Fallago Rig wind farm across the Scottish Borders
The Fallago Environment Fund Awards projects that:
• support rural communities
• preserve and enhance the region’s special landscapes and biodiversity
• conserve and tell the story of the area’s heritage
• enhance the Scottish Borders as a tourism destination
129 projects have received a total of £1,540,541. Click below to see which projects have received funding, from cultural & natural heritage, to special COVID recovery funds.
An Estate Staff Trip to Fallago Rig Wind Farm
The Roxburghe Estate office staff were offered the opportunity in September to visit Fallago Rig wind farm located in the Lammermuir Hills in Berwickshire.
It was felt that this was a fantastic opportunity for our office team to engage with one of the Estate’s larger sustainability projects first hand. With 48 turbines, the site at Fallago Rig can produce up to 144MW of energy which in turn can power up to 86,000 homes. Situated just south of Edinburgh and running alongside Scottish Power’s electricity towers which fuel the national grid, Fallago distributes renewable energy directly into Edinburgh homes.