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Augusts’s Garden Update

12th August 2024

Trials and Awards!

We can officially state that July was one of our wettest here in the gardens with over 92mm of rain falling in the month. The temperatures were variable to say the least with our lowest being 5.1 and highest 25.2 during July. Needless to say, the changes we are seeing in our climate are having an impact on the planting in the garden and, although some are thriving, other plants are definitely struggling with the more variable conditions. We are noticing that some plants are flowering sooner and more quickly than previously and many are already behaving as though they are in the middle of Autumn rather than High Summer.

These changes mean that our Dahlia border is already in full swing – a good few weeks earlier than last year – so do please come along to see them just in case they finish sooner than normal. We have planted more single flowered Dahlia this year and the increase in hoverflies and bees around the border is significant so we will definitely be planting a more diverse mix in the future.

The changing climate is also reflected in our work with the RHS – each year Plant Trials are undertaken with different plant groups to identify the best plants for your homes and gardens. Those that perform particularly well receive the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Plant trials allow for multiple selections of the same plant to be grown side by side for comparison over a period of years. The trials are assessed by a judging panel made up of experts.

We recently concluded the trial for Hemerocallis and this has now been replaced by a new trial starting this year of Hedychium – Ginger Lily. This is the first trial of Hedychium and the judges will be looking at flowering period, form, colour and scent and hardiness amongst other criteria. The trial is being held at Floors Castle because our climate is favourable for testing the winter hardiness of Hedychium. Although slightly concerned at first, we are delighted to report that the plants now seem to be settling into their new home and we already have some flowers! The trial bed can be found at the end of the garden near the dahlia bed so you can see both at the same time!

Our vegetables have been a source of great interest to our visitors this year and the chefs have been kept busy with turning all our produce into delicious mealsOne particular success story has been our Kelsae OnionsThese are a mild onion – it can be eaten raw if desired and is repeatedly been called the “World’s biggest onion”As you can see from the photo – ours are certainly large!  

As always, we hope to welcome you soon to the Gardens – our last private garden tour is Friday 9th August and we only have 2 tickets left. These have been extremely popular this year and we do hope you have enjoyed them. Our propagation workshop is on 16th August and these are usually sold out so get your tickets early!

Thanks to all our visitors and thank you for the lovely feedback we have been getting this year – it really does make us happy! Hope to see you soon in the Gardens and please remember to vote for us in the RHS Partner Garden of the Year – Scotland category. We are already amazed and delighted to have been nominated amongst such strong competition and if we won it would be a tremendous achievement for the team and all our hard working volunteers!